Title: The Orange Gobbler
Year: 2014
Medium: FaceOSC, Processing
Title: Feathered Vessel
Year: 2014
Medium: FaceOSC, Processing
Title: BirdBot5000
Year: 2014
Medium: Arduino, Processing, servo mottor, Blink(1), 3D printed elements, screws, paper, tape.
(A collaboration with John Choi)
Title: Manta Ray Automaton
Year: 2014
Medium: Arduino, Processing, some assets made in Adobe Illustraitor, servo, slider/potentiometer, projector,  foam-core board, clay, tape
(A collaboration with Matt Kellogg)
Title: Running from the Ghost
Year: 2014
Medium: Processing, Arduino, force-sensors, cardboard, tape
Title: Generating Darwin's Galapagos Finches
Year: 2014
Medium: Processing
Title: Ten Lines Snappy Bird
Year: 2014
Medium: Processing
Title: Thousand Lines: Circular Motion
Year: 2014
Medium: Processing
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